Kevin Trudeau on Swine Flu & Mass Vaccinations

Kevin Trudeau, Wellness Advocate

Kevin Trudeau, Wellness Advocate

The Swine Flu Is Spreading & Mass Vaccinations Are Coming Soon!

By Kevin Trudeau,

The mainstream media has not discussed one of the most significant events in the last 100 years. Over the last month, the World Health Organization has raised the alert level for the swine flu to level six. This is the highest level the World Health Organization can issue, declaring a worldwide pandemic for the swine flu. This has gotten virtually no national media attention.

When a level six pandemic is declared by the World Health Organization, individual countries have the legal right to require its citizens to get vaccinations or to take drugs if the government deems necessary. Currently, many countries around the world have ordered unprecedented volumes of vaccinations, and are gearing up to have mandatory vaccinations of the population.

I predict that in the fall there will be announcements that the swine flu has mutated into a more deadly, dangerous form. Whether or not this is actually true is yet to be seen, but I predict that the media will create mass hysteria about the dangers of this fast spreading, potentially deadly swine flu. The media and the government will then use scare tactics to convince you to take the useless and dangerous drug Tamiflu and get a vaccination against the swine flu.

While this may sound like the government is taking steps to protect the population from this deadly swine flu, the facts that are missing from this scenario are important and eye opening. The first fact that is missing is that the drug Tamiflu does virtually nothing in the treatment of swine flu. The other fact that is missing is in relation to vaccinations. The vaccine being purchased by countries around the world, to be administered in the fall, is for a strain of swine flu that occurred last year. It absolutely, categorically will do nothing to protect you from the new mutated strain of swine flu that I predict will be sweeping the globe in the fall.

A question that comes up is “Kevin, what are you going to do about the swine flu?” My plan is simple. I do not take drugs. I do not take vaccines. I know that the mainstream media is owned by the pharmaceutical companies and the government. I know that the plan is to get as many people to take as many drugs as possible for two specific reasons. First, so that the drug companies can make hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. Secondly, I believe that the government wants to, in effect, drug up the population for various controlling reasons.

My plan is very simple. I have a number of natural products that I take to keep my immune system strong. By taking these supplements, I am making sure that I have no nutritional deficiencies and a strong immune system. I also do not take any drugs of any kind, either prescription or non-prescription. The fact is, nonprescription and prescription medication dramatically suppress the immune system making you susceptible to influenza, colds and other illnesses and diseases. Click here to view my influenza/virus first aid kit and stay healthy this flu season!

Many Blessings!


Kevin Trudeau is fast becoming the nation’s foremost consumer advocate. His business and personal mission statement is simply “to positively impact the whole person”. Kevin is the Best Selling Author of Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About which has spawned follow up materials on debt solutions, weight loss techniques, and tools for financial prosperity. Kevin Trudeau has been personally responsible for over $2 billion in business world-wide, and is now bringing his knowledge, relationships, experience and charisma to radio as host of The Kevin Trudeau Show.

Thank you, Kevin, for sharing your immunity building strategy!  This post is part of the Hartkeisonline! Natural Cures blog carnival which appears every Tuesday. Todays’ theme is Natural Solutions for the Flu and Colds, including Swine Flu.

Our first carnival blogger is Kelly the Kitchen Kop.  Here is her post on Building Immunity.

Our next blogger is Augie of the Journal of Whole Food and Nutritional Health. He joins the blog carnival from Ohio with Swine Flu Hoax.

Cheeseslave, a blogger from Los Angeles didn’t write about swine flu but wrote about how to improve digestive health — which helps to build immunity.

Peggy of Local Nourishment blog says Swine Flu-Stop and Think!

Carrie from Thrifty and Organic blog out of Oregon checks in with Simple Thrifty Immune Builders.

Here is our next entry by Food Renegade out of Texas, Swine Flu They Saw It Coming.

Renee of Helladelicious blog submits this post about Kombucha, a probiotic drink.

You’re Next!

If you have ideas for home remedies to prevent colds and flu, or posts about the swine flu outbreak, bloggers please submit your links by email to kim.hartke at Other readers, please add your ideas and questions, or thank Kevin Trudeau for this great blog article in the Comments section on this post!


  1. My mother has her flu shot every year because she’s 80 and the doctor says she needs it. I’ve talked to her about the preservatives, the mercury, the squalene and other problem constituents of the vaccine. I’ve reasoned it out with her that the vaccine contains last year’s flu, and does nothing to help with the current virus. But, since she hasn’t had the flu in years, she equates the shot with the lack of flu.

    This year, with this vaccine I am more worried. I’m hearing from first-responders is that the news isn’t good even within the medical community. Mom has had cancer and a hip replacement with many serious complications that had her hospitalized for weeks. Her immune system is at an all-time low. She is also a media addict, trusting the television to bring her the truth.

    But I know she places quite a bit of stock in Kevin Trudeau’s advice, perhaps this article will help dissuade her from the swine flu vaccine.
    .-= Local Nourishment´s last blog ..July 2009 Summary =-.

  2. !. Tested… No
    2. For this strain…No
    3. building fear…Yes
    4. Safe…not in my world
    5. Important to build immune system…Yes
    Final Answer to flu shots same as I gave 50 years ago…NO
    Thanks for the input and ideas
    .-= Sue Trumpfheller´s last blog ..Paint Your World Healthy =-.

  3. YES, a robustly functioning and balanced immune system is the key to the swine flu or any flu. This starts with diet and other lifestyle factors. In addition, Vitamin D supplementation can be hugely effective in both preventing and treating influenza. Now I realize that WAPF is not big on vitamin supplementation but Vitamin D therapy in the context of a serious flu situation is one area where it may be critical.
    .-= Charles´s last blog ..Study On Type II Diabetes: Cut Carbs and Increase Fat Intake =-.

  4. We also have 25 articles and some video on our Vaccine Nation series, including Swine Flu Cocktail for immunity
    Are the New Flu Shots Toxic Enough?
    Swine Flu Swindle (hot)
    Where is the Autism Amongst the Amish?
    Deadly Immunity, and our recent
    Deadly Baby Vaccines- Tears in Heaven

    Kimberly, when you have time, change my Blog entry with this link. Thanks
    .-= Augie´s last blog ..WordPress 2.8.3 Security Release =-.

  5. Talk about hysteria. This article is fear-mongering of its own sort. This is not reasoned, intelligent discussion to educate us, this is just someone shouting opinions into an echo chamber, where you can feel good in your belief because someone else believes it too.

    Like it or not, in general, vaccines work. The new vaccine may or may not work (well), if you have evidence one way or the other, PLEASE SHARE IT. Otherwise, please stop bloviating about your random belief.

    “full immunization against flu provided about a 75 percent effectiveness rate in preventing hospitalizations from influenza complications in the 2005-6 and 2006-7 influenza seasons. (The 75 percent rate could range, according to a standard statistical measure known as confidence intervals, from 41 percent to 91 percent.)” (

    Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) is probably effective against the H1N1, based on pages 11-12 here:

    “In H1N1 viruses in the US, resistance to oseltamivir was 8.7% as of February 2, 2008. All of these H1N1 viruses have a specific nuclotide substitution in the neuraminidase molecule. All of these are sensitive to another neuraminidase inhibitor, zanamivir. According to the WHO data, different countries have different proportions of resistant H1N1 viruses, which vary from 0% in some countries to 60% in Norway. There is no satisfactory explanation for why Norway has such a high percentage of resistant influenza A H1N1 viruses. France has about 20%. Some other countries have greater than 10% resistance currently. Dr. Klimov stressed that globally there is less than 5% resistance.”

    Page 107:

    “With regard to influenza vaccine, Dr. Wayne Hachey noted that with mandatory immunization for all uniformed personnel, the DoD’s vaccination rates range from mid 80% to low 90% depending upon the services. This season, the DoD influenza policy reinforced universal immunization for the entire DoD population with a number of initiatives targeting the DoD’s beneficiary population and trying to reduce some of the barriers to immunization for military dependents. For recruits, vaccine effectiveness was about 85% with confidence intervals of 77-90%, 92% for H3N2, and 54% for the current strain of H1N1. Fortunately, they observed H1N1 early in the season so they were not severely impacted in terms of reduced vaccine effectiveness. In that population, similar breakthrough rates were observed for both live and attenuated vaccine. Hence, the two appear to be comparable for that age group.”

    The presentations include data that’s over a year old, so of course the current vaccine may have a different level of effectiveness against the current virus.

    Dismiss good science out of hand simply because you don’t agree with the philosophy — fine, just be honest about what you’re doing, and BE CAREFUL about pushing YOUR philosophy on other people who might actually die from it!

  6. PLEASE don’t believe a word he’s saying concerning the present nature of H1N1. Tamiflu, at present, is still effective. Yes, there’s a real possibility that the present form could mutate, but nobody can state that it will for sure like he is doing. As mentioned above, the vaccine at present does work. For the rest of you, please do your homework on this issue before you accept this advice.

    Pandemic flu can be very different from seasonal flu. The belief that a strong immune system will save you is just not the case with this flu. Both the current H1N1, and it’s distant relative from 1918 that killed between 50 to 100 million people ravaged those who were very healthy through a nasty twist called cytokine storm, in which your very healthy immune system over responds and your own body destroys itself. Thats why we’re starting to see this strain killing young, healthy people, and also why children are on the list to receive the first vax shots.

    If you fail to prepare for the possible ravages of a pandemic, you do so at your own peril, and this includes not taking a vax shot.

  7. I was around, alive and paying attention in 1976. If you place your trust solely in the government and industrialized medicine to save us from any pandemic with a vaccine, you would be wise to study history. Lots and lots of history.

    Dismissing good science out of hand is the current rage, Ed. If it were not, the (disproven) lipid hypothesis would no longer be the major determining factor in the way doctors treat heart disease and obesity.

    Each person needs to be educated and make choices they are willing to live (or die) with. Education is not available through the New York Times, or even WebMD, one must search out the truth from the CDC’s own documents. The closer to the pandemic (or lack thereof) we come, the louder the many voices will become. Each person needs to do their homework and make their decisions now, before panic overrides our good decision-making skills.
    .-= Local Nourishment´s last blog ..July 2009 Summary =-.

  8. To label Trudeau as a consumer advocate is an affront to every true consumer advocate.

    I am a long time consumer advocate and believe me Kevin is anything but a consumer advocate

    A federal judge has ordered infomercial marketer Kevin Trudeau to pay more than $37 million for violating a 2004 stipulated order -go to
    .-= Frank Thomas´s last blog ..Congrats to Jerry Brown =-.

  9. Cathy Raymond says:

    Mercola, Trudeau and HartkeIsOnline are doing us a great service airing this issue well in advance of the Fall and Government mandates. We really need to start airing out our options and avenues of opposition. Here’s more information.

    Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed

    Dr. Mercola, Gary Hull Weston A. Price Foundation (and hopefully HartkeIsOnline) will be at the NVIC Conference, Oct 2-4 in Reston, VA.

    Stay Well!

  10. Thanks, Local Nourishment, for bringing up the swine flu scare & subsequent vaccine in 1976.

    This video, a 60 Minutes report by Mike Wallace, speaks volumes:
    .-= CHEESESLAVE´s last blog ..70% of U.S. Children Are Vitamin D Deficient =-.

  11. Cathy Raymond says:

    Just found another eye opener!

    American Association for Health Freedom - The US government seeks several thousand volunteers to test a swine flu shot!

    Anyone want to volunteer to be a guinea pig? They will also be testing on 6 mos. old infants. There out to be a law….

  12. One of the key points here, regardless of who is believing which scientist is that the pharmaceutical industry is definitely calling the shots, which ever way you look at it. Why would they put so much money into advertising if it didn’t have any effect? in fact this is not a new thing, in fact the executives of the pharmaceutical industry IG Farber were tried and found guilty for mass murder after WW II. How many times do we need to repeat the same mistake?

    As a matter of fact in Cuba they have successfully used homeopathy to vaccinate their population with much better results than using engineered drugs.

    I also prefer to use kombucha and other tonics as well as nutrient dense foods to protect myself. I am not a fan of expensive supplements either.
    .-= hellaD´s last blog ..The Effect of Modern Science =-.

  13. Great article! The Truth needs to be heard!

    This vaccine is going to do more damage than you an imagine and the entire thing stinks of corrupt government goons lining their pockets at our expense.

    The 1976 scare should wake everyone up already!

    And the fact that this flu strain has a mysterious combination of 3 different species?!?! That isn’t natural… it’s biological warfare.

  14. Kimberly Hartke says:

    Hey check this out! World Health Organization is concerned about safety of the swine flu vaccines…

  15. Sylvia Onusic says:

    This comment is to Ed: Talk about pushing his philosophy- looks like he cut and pasted his comments from the CDC website= CDC is part of the US government - a government where officials were elected in large part due to funds from the pharmaceutical industry.

    Good science? That is again your opinion. Apparently you havent read any “good science” about the preparation of this vaccine.

    Sylvia Onusic

  16. brian smith says:

    anyone who undergoes a swine flu vaccination better be ready to wear a helmet for the rest of their life haha

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  18. “Like it or not, in general, vaccines work. The new vaccine may or may not work (well), if you have evidence one way or the other, PLEASE SHARE IT. Otherwise, please stop bloviating about your random belief.”

    As opposed to bloviating about your random belief that it will work as advertised? Evidence for this particular strain will be hard to come by BECAUSE TESTING WAS INTENTIONALLY order to get the vaccine into as many people as possible, as quickly as possible…for a “deadly crisis” that does not actually seem to exist. Curious.
    .-= Jeff ´s last blog ..Swine Flu Scare: Interview with Jane Burgermeister =-.

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  1. […] post is a part of the Natural Cures blog carnival, happening every Tuesday at Hartke is […]

  2. […] Click here to read the rest of my blog entry on! […]

  3. […] to to join the excitement and get a better persoecive on the Swine Flu […]

  4. […] They Don’t Want You to Know About has to say about Swine Flu and Mass Vaccinations over at Kim’s Natural Cures Blog […]

  5. […] post is participating in HartkeIsOnline’s August 4th, 2009 Natural Cures Blog Carnival, featuring guest blogger Kevin Trudeau. For his take on the Swine Flue pandemic, as well as posts […]

  6. Pandemic Flu Online » The Swine Flu Is Spreading & Mass Vaccinations Are Coming Soon! says:

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  7. […] post is a part of the Natural Cures blog carnival, happening every Tuesday at Hartke is […]

  8. […] Milstein, Cheryl Hadden, Chrys Ostrander, Cornucopia Institute, Janice Curtin, Kevin Trudeau, Jim Bynum, Jordan Wright, Mark McAfee, Mike Peterson, Tim Wightman, NTP Talk, Robert Burns, Sally […]

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    […] The Swine Flu Is Spreading & Mass Vaccinations Are Coming Soon! […]

  10. Remedies says:


    Kevin Trudeau on Swine Flu & Mass Vaccinations - Hartke Is Online!

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