Our raw milk Gandhi is in great need of legal defense funds. Here is his plea to all those who treasure raw milk access.
Asbestos Warning: Still a Real and Present Danger
The Asbestos Institute issues this Asbestos warning to the health conscious.
Parents Be Warned: Edible Marijuana is a Health Risk
NBC News Reveals Edible Pot Candies Endanger Children Four thousand children have ended up in emergency rooms across the country from high potency THC laced candies. Candy pot is identical to the confections sold in stores nationwide which can lead to accidentally ingesting this potent drug. It is being exported from “pot legal” states like […]
Virginia Farmer Honored by State Legislature
Martha Boneta wins accolades from the legislative body where she sought help when county regulators overstepped their bounds and her property rights.
The Farmer who Sacrificed it All for Raw Milk Freedom
We have written numerous stories about farmers and their struggles to get out from under the onerous regulations that have made our food less safe, less nutritious. Probably one farmer more than most. Michael Schmidt of Ontario, Canada captures our heart, perhaps more than any other because of the dear price he has paid for our freedom. Michael has lost hundreds of acres of his farm, a marriage, countless hours in numerous courtrooms as a defendant, many more hours at protests and rallies, and a prolonged hunger strike that could have killed him.
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