Secret to Gluten-Free Weight Loss is Avoid Processed Foods


Gluten free “products” may not promote weight loss. If you go gluten free, stick with whole foods!

Real Food Weight Loss Success


Pitch out those processed foods and be a real food weight loss success! That is what Marie did and look at the results!

Will Misguided Saturated Fat Beliefs Cause Weight Gain in School Children?


Putting kids on an extremely low fat diet could backfire, big time, causing weight gain. One consumer advocate is doing his best to sound the obesity alarm bell.

College Professor Decries U.S. Dietary Mindset

Dr. David Diamond

This video exposes the dirty secrets behind the cholesterol lowering pressures put on American citizens by the health establishment.

My Health Story Appears in Fairfax Times

Kimberly Hartke

Good ink for Kimberly Hartke and her blogging escapades in her local newspaper.

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