At first glance, you won’t be able to tell the difference between this milk and milk with artificial sweetener substitute.
This is the podcast about the Aspartame in dairy products issue. In this show you’ll hear from Sally Fallon Morell, Jane Hersey and Dr. Kendra Pearsall on the dairy industry’s attempt to hide chemical sweeteners in milk. You’ll learn about a sneaky additive that goes unmentioned on labels and hear about the deluge of complaints to the FDA that this proposal has inspired!
UPDATE: Comment period is extended to May 21, 2013: see FDA website for details: FDA Wants Your Opinion on Dairy Product Labels.
References in this show:
Sweet Misery You Tube Documentary
Wardee Harmon’s blog
See Wardee’s Podcast, They Want to Hide Toxic Sweeteners in your Child’s School Milk
See also, Hartke is Online’s previous post on this issue, Dairy Industry Says Low Calorie Milks Unattractive to Children
Kimberly Hartke is the publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education non-profit based in Washington, D.C.

Thank you for all those links. This issue and GMOs are my personal hot buttons-they have really gotten out of hand. I cannot believe some of the things people in power think are important to our diets. I am a grandma and in my lifetime I’ve seen the SAD go from wholesome to disgusting. I’m even making spokescats and spokescows that speak out!
Re: “Got Disgust”: This is part of a greater trend to use artificial sweeteners in products that are not necessarily marketed as “diet” or “lite.” It used to be that the “diet” or “lite” label was a giveaway that the product contained artificial sweeteners. But now lines are starting to get fuzzy. Almost all gums contain artificial sweeteners even though they are not diet. The sugar free (not non caloric) gums used to only contain sugar alcohols, but now they usually have a blend of 2 or more artificial sweeteners. I noticed a few years ago Shasta adds sucralose to its non-diet sodas. Also some of those canned lemonaids and lemonaid/tea combos have artificial sweeteners.
The request by the dairy industry is just a ploy for less labeling, so that eventually they can take off the ingredients list altogether. I demand that labeling requirements be made more not less stringent. Those products with aspertame and other poisons need to bear a warning, even in small print, something like, “aspertame has been associated with dangerous seizures and other health problems.”
Just sell us milk unadulterated. I do not want cancer causing chemicals added to it. I do not even want it homogenized. I love that I can buy it unpasteurized in NH. I can buy it homogenized, too, so it will not cause leaky gut syndrome. Last thing I want is unlabeled milk with chemicals sneaked into it. CUT IT OUT!
oops I mean I can buy it UN-homogenized in VT and NH…yeah!
Good article in Chicago Tribune on this subject. I am most anxious to see what the FDA decides!