photo credit: Big C Harvey
Welcome to your new week! Are you like me and do you continue to make new years resolutions as January rolls on?
There is so much to accomplish, so much to strive for, improve upon!
When it comes to nutrition, it is all about the children, isn’t it? If we can’t change food policy to promote the proper growth and development of future generations, our economy will fall apart under the weight of poor health-mental and physical!
It all starts with each of us at home, who make a bold difference when we commit to sourcing real food, from local farms. And, when we take those real, raw ingredients and by learning more about cooking, turn them into something nourishing for our family!
Please share your real food, nourishing traditional recipes with our readers in today’s blog carnival! Who knows what other family your recipe will touch. I had a woman run up to me at Wise Traditions saying, “Thank you for posting that recipe! My daughter in a different state and I both made it at the same time and we LOVED it!”
I bet they still make it regularly, today!
Bloggers, use Mr. Linky, readers share your link or recipe in the comments section! Everyone can participate, that’s what makes a blog carnival so fun!
By the way, please tell a friend about this carnival! Help me build it and they will come!
Share, Share alike!

What a great link-up! I’ll share it on my blog page to try and encourage people to come link to it! Thanks for hosting. I linked up bacon egg cups, spinach roll (which is a great way to get vegetables in at breakfast), and homemade naturally sweetened marshmallows (which are GOOD, unlike storebought ones).
This week I am sharing my Week Two of the GAPS Challenge post, as well as my 5 Recipe Resources for GAPS recipes and information. I love that we are all connected in this real food network, and that so many people are sharing knowhow on GAPS, real food, and green living. Love it!
Lovely! Will help spread the word!!
While it’s not a recipe, I thought I’d share how we get our food! Farm fresh, high quality, cross-contamination free ingredients are the foundation of a real food diet… and buying them in bulk is key to healthy finances!
hello! i am new to blogging and i just posted my first recipe, thanks for hosting !
I’m also sharing my recipe for GAPS chocolate (honey-sweetened), which you can also make into chocolate chips. I’m working on a GAPS chocolate chip cookie recipe that I will hopefully have up soon!
Hi Kim! Thanks for hosting
I posted my creamy cauliflower soup recipe … which is super simple and doesn’t involve dairy or gluten either. Perfect for anyone on GAPS or just to warm the soul on a cold winter’s day.
I just put up my recipe for homemade white chocolate, which I sweetened with honey to make it GAPS legal. Plus, unlike my chocolate chip recipe that contains cocoa powder, this recipe is completely GAPS-legal for even those who cannot tolerate the cocoa powder. Enjoy!
I am sharing our story of why we are doing the GAPS diet and a little bit about the GAPS diet.