Cilla Whatcott presents a viable alternative to vaccines in her new book.
I represent the author of this new book, There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis As a Hartke reader, I know you will be interested in the alternative to vaccines she presents. Her previous book The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis was given a thumbs up review in Wise Traditions Journal.
To often, the discussion of vaccines seems like a black and white issue. However, with knowledge of alternatives, it becomes clear that there is more than one way to protect children and adults against disease. Why choose the method with toxic side effects when there is a measure that has proven results without risk of harm?
Author Cilla Whatcott is becoming a leading expert in this field. She will be speaking in 2015 at an upcoming conference Homeopathic Prophylaxis: a Worldwide Choice. She has also just been approved by Sally Fallon Morell as a Weston A. Price Foundation local chapter speaker.
If you are a parent wrestling with what to do to protect your child, I urge you to read this book. It is just now available on Amazon.com Click here: There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis.
Kimberly Hartke blogs about health and wellness at Hartkeisonline.com. She is publicist for Cilla Whatcott and other authors and experts in their field. For information about her publicity firm, visit hartkepr.com.

I am so excited about this book. Already have a copy from information you posted a little while back. Great information!
I want to clarify: I have a copy of her first book, (The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative) can’t wait to get this one!