Liz Reitzig kisses a Camel
Maryland Mom Brings Farm Fresh Foods to DC and Maryland Tables
Know your Farmer is a marketing campaign of the USDA. One local mom was ahead of the curve on this, and formed a farm buying club to bring together city dwellers and suburbanites with farmers in the rural areas. With a focus on high quality standards for both soil and the humane treatment of animals, Liz Reitzig of Grassfed on the Hill (GOTH) is helping many people in D.C. and Maryland obtain farm fresh foods.
Over the years the club has helped thousands of families to procure local vegetables and nutrient-dense animal foods, plus GMO and soy free meats and eggs. Customers include people of all ages and ethnicities. Young families, elderly, those struggling with illness, and first generation immigrants from all over the world are enjoying the Grassfed on the Hill offerings. A great deal of preferred diets are represented also, including, Weston. A Price, Paleo, Vegetarian.
Local vegetables grown in composted soil with no chemicals please local palates.
“I believe that we have a right to peacefully access the foods of our choice, from the farm producers of our choice. For many small farmers, getting into grocery stores is not possible. Even selling at the farmers markets requires a large inventory,” Liz explains.
The Grassfed on the Hill farm buying club is an excellent outlet for the small producer to team up with other farmers to create a ‘virtual store.’ Together, with Liz’s extensive real food expertise, they are able to provide a variety of farm foods to customers.
“The foods you choose can impact our environment, your health, our communities and our local economies. We are proud to work with farmers that are conscientious participants in all of these systems,” enthuses Liz.
Farmer enjoys Liz’s support of his family farm.
As organizer of the club, Liz visits all the farms she works with frequently and provides multiple opportunities throughout the year for interested members to tour the farms.
The Grassfed on the Hill club now boosts 15 drop sites in D.C. and suburban Maryland, with plans to expand into the Baltimore metro area this year. A drop site is a central location where the buying club members go weekly to pick up their orders. Some foods such as wild caught salmon and grains/flours are available once a month at the drop site.
Liz and the Grassfed on the Hill members tour an Amish farm on a traditional hay ride.
Some members become ardent food activists, while others just enjoy the delicious food. Grassfed on the Hill members get involved at whatever level they feel comfortable. “It is important to know the source of your food and how it is produced. We are fostering relationships and uniting people around food. We find these friendships build bridges and promote peace in our community,” says Liz.
Liz Reitzig, Founder of Grassfed on the Hill
If you live in Washington, DC or Suburban Maryland, and you feel a club like this would meet a need for you or your family, please contact Liz Reitzig of Grassfed on the Hill: [email protected]. She will be delighted to tell you more!
Follow Grassfed on the Hill in Facebook! Shop now at 1000EcoFarms by clicking on the GOTH link.
Kimberly Hartke blogs about health, wellness and the local foods revolution. She and her husband lost 50 lbs and reversed high blood pressure and runners knee by going local with their diet and procuring farm fresh, grassfed foods plus adding regular exercise to their lifestyle.
Children love the farm visits, and learning about their local food system.

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