A petition to the FDA seeks wider access to raw milk for the consumer. Stressing the science and asking a federal judge to intervene, it has possibility of making real change.
blog about homemaking, food and health
A petition to the FDA seeks wider access to raw milk for the consumer. Stressing the science and asking a federal judge to intervene, it has possibility of making real change.
Scientists and Agronomists went out of their way to hear Mark McAfee Speak and to sample his raw dairy products. A convention center forbid raw dairy, so they moved their meeting across the street!
For those of you who haven’t yet met raw dairyman, Mark McAfee, here is a fantastic video that will show you the passion and drive this man has for his product and his customer.
A Boston Milk Party is being staged on Monday, after ag officials launched an assault on raw milk buying clubs. Activists are convinced the battle is not over.
Mark McAfee and other real food proponents will speak in Pasadena at a fun and festive celebration of whole and fermented foods as recommended by the Weston A. Price Foundation.
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