photo credit: Rowan of Ravara
SPELT - what’s the big deal?
by HartkeisOnline contributor, Andrea Milstein
I get repeated questions on spelt and I thought I would do a little write-up on it since not all that many people know what it is. Back in ol’ Austria (which is where I’m from) almost nobody bothers to use wheat. Why should they, if they can have spelt. Let me explain. Spelt is an ancient grain and a distant cousin of wheat. There are 1,000’s of wheat varieties out there all results of many cross breedings. Spelt is higher in just about any nutrient, Vitamins B1, B2, B3,B6, E, iron, potassium, calcium as well as amino acids. In addition it has wonderful baking qualities and a slightly nutty taste. Spelt is highly water soluble and much easier to digest than wheat. Its vital substances are quickly absorbed by the body with a minimum of digestive work, a very important aspect for people with wheat sensitivities.
The spelt kernel is surrounded by a tight husk (wheat doesn’t have this) which protects the grain from pests. Pesticides and fungicides are neither needed nor required in the growth of spelt thanks to its natural tight husk which protects it but has to be removed before milling and therefore makes it more expensive to process. Thanks to industrial farming methods very few farmers in the US grow spelt because it is more expensive to grow with a lower yield than wheat. I have been working with an organically certified farmer in Halifax, PA who is growing a true spelt variety (Oberkulmer) with no wheat bred into it. He has been imporving his quality of spelt with the help of one of the foremost Austrian spelt farmers. He also has a brand new stone mill and produces freshly milled whole spelt flour containing the bran and germ and with all of its healthful vitamins, minerals and fatty acids still intact.
Whole spelt flour can be substituted for wheat flour in just about any recipe but there are a few tricks to the trade.Freshly ground spelt flour spoils easily and should be stored in the freezer (it can be used straight from it). If you want to learn more and get inspired come and attend one of my Saturday classes in Oakton, VA. They run from 10am-12noon and will resume in the fall of 09.
For more information go to . For those of you in the Northern Virginia or Metro DC area, please contact me via my web-site if you are interested in freshly ground whole spelt or spelt grains. I’m currently collecting orders for the next shipment.Please, only local orders, so people can pick up from my house.
Note from Kimberly: For those of you who are outside the Northern Virginia area, you can order sprouted spelt flour from our advertisers, Natural Health Alternatives at their website:
Stay Tuned next Wenesday for some yummy spelt recipes!
Andrea Milstein is a wife, mother, homemaker and cooking instructor in Oakton, Virginia. She is an active member of the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Northern Virginia Whole Foods Meetup group. Visit her Cooking with an Accent website. Andrea has agreed to be a regular contributor to Hartke Is Online! Please let us know in the comments if you try one of her delicious recipes!
This post is part of the Real Food Wednesday blog carnival! Check it out for more food stories and recipes!

Hi Kimberly! I love this post because I love using spelt flour. I think that like you said, it replaces wheat flour very easily in recipes.
.-= Kelly the Kitchen Kop´s last blog ..Dr. Oz & Oprah’s Dieting & Health Advice – they’re getting closer! Real Food Wednesday =-.
Thanks! I have a bag of spelt flour (in my freezer, thankfully), and I wasn’t exactly sure what to do with it!
.-= Katie @ Kitchen Stewardship´s last blog ..Frugal Find, Honey Fav and a Freebie =-.
Fantastic! I really like the idea of fresh grains and am itching to start grinding my own. Spelt flour is my favorite; thank you for reminding me to put it in the freezer. Oops. 😉
Terrific! I was just trying to explain to my sister the benefits of spelt over wheat - but you did it so much better! I use the sprouted spelt flour from To Your Health. (I think it came from Real Food Media?)
very nice health. very farfaect body. I love this post because I love using spelt flour.
thanks you!
I am looking for grain to buy but I Live in Southern California. Just recently started my web site and need a good source in our area. I do have a stone mill and am looking forward to bakeing more with spelt.
Spelt is our favorite grain. Spelt flour is also very good for thickening gravies and sauces, adding a wonderful nutty flavor.