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Join the Eat More Veggies Blog Carnival!

A Balanced Diet with Lots of Variety is Good for You!

Go Green with your Diet!

Today is our Natural Cures blog carnival on adding more fresh vegetables to your diet.  So, I know you don’t like peas, but that is no excuse not to add them to a soup or stew. Since I made a commitment years ago to avoid canned and frozen vegetables (although I have weakened at times) I have come to appreciate the value and variety we can get with our diet out of the produce aisle at the grocery.

For the last few years we have been following a low glycemic approach to our diet, so we have been substituting a second vegetable for the starch that used to appear on our dinner plate. We have learned to expand our veggie repertoire, and try new and different species of plant, such as brussels sprouts, chard, kale, cauliflower, artichoke and numbers of others. We have added a cool chart to our kitchen wall that tells us what nutrients are found in different foods. We try and vary our diet daily, to get as wide an array of vitamins and minerals as we can.  We also add a dollop of butter to our veggies, which the Weston A. Price Foundation says is good for your health, contrary to popular belief.  Here is a link to the article by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, Why Butter is Better.

This past Saturday, I found the most beautiful purple cauliflower at the Smart Market farmers market in Oakton. By the way, for all you local folks, they now have some wonderful produce growers at the market. I was really excited to see the quality and variety of the fresh produce for sale there. This is an undiscovered gem of a market with growers only allowed to sell there. So you can meet the actual farmer and learn more about their wares. It is 10:00am-1:00pm each Saturday, year around.

Now it’s your turn!  This is your chance to share how you are Going Green with your diet. Submit any recipe that features vegetables, ways that you are getting picky eaters to try new veggies, health benefits of veggies, etc. Please share your Veggie Tale with our readers by emailing me a link to your blog post at kim.hartke at gmail.com.  Archive posts are welcome!

Our first entry is from Zekes Food Blog on foraging for dandelions, an edible weed that many people are not aware is good for you!

More wild foraging, this time for sorrel, from Nourishing Days blog!

Local Nourishment blog submits a Meatless Meal-Tostadas!

Kelly the Kitchen Kop submits a double duo, she wrote:

First one is about why I buy organic produce as much as I can:

The second one your readers may already know about, but it’s how I wash my produce:


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Robyn O'Brien
Founder, AllergyKids, Author, The Unhealthy Truth