Raw Milk Support at National Lemonade Freedom Day

Great video to share with others who are interested in learning about the raw milk and food freedom issue!

Weekend Gourmet Blog Carnival, August 20, 2012


Do you want freedom to consume the foods of your choice, or to even set up a lemonade stand in the front yard? Sound off in today’s Weekend Gourmet blog carnival.

Meet the Filmmaker Events in Washington, D.C.


Kristin Canty is a heroic woman to those who desperately need access to nutrient dense foods. This is our chance to thank her in person and celebrate with her the World Premiere of her very important film.

Milk Man Faces Jail for His Non-Cooperation with State Regulators


Max Kane is being hauled into court again. In spite of his pending appeal, over zealous regulators want to break his spirit by putting him behind bars. All they will do is make him a cause célèbre!

School Activist Wins Organic Salad Bar

I spoke yesterday on the phone with a wonderful mom, who launched a campaign in her Olympia, Washington school for organic food to be added to the children’s lunch fare. The result was a 100% organic salad bar! Vanessa Ruddy, the mom who accomplished this healthy addition…

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