Here is your chance to speak out for humane pork farmers, please call the Michigan governor, today!
blog about homemaking, food and health
Clare Hamilton goes to the head of her class on food safety. This farm girl is growing up on a sustainable farm in Colorado, and one can only hope the politicians listen to her words of wisdom.
Last night, to celebrate my husband’s birthday, we went to the movies! Keith and I packed our homemade popcorn (movie theatre popcorn is made with transfats, YUCK) and headed over to Landmark Theatres in Bethesda, MD to see Food, Inc. Wow, is all I have to say. And, everyone in America needs to see this […]
This week’s Natural Cures Blog Carnival is highlighting “Buy Local Foods” as a wellness strategy. Since the recent outbreak of swine flu likely started at a CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation), it makes sense to look for safer sources of pork for the family table.
Mike Murphy, author of the Veterans Against NAIS Petition, reports that famous farmer, Wendell Berry has pledged to go to jail in protest of NAIS at the Kentucky USDA Listening Session. I’d like to give Wendell our Heroes of Sustainable Agriculture award for that!
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