by Guest Blogger, Malgorzata Sedzimir- Pszowska
At one time fresh raw milk was available only for country dwellers. Today, in Poland and across Europe, thanks to raw milk vending machines it is becoming widely available to urban dwellers. We would like to see these machines available to small dairy producers around the world.
Fresh unpasteurized milk is a source of wholesome calcium, potassium, magnesium and many vitamins. Thanks to the lack of heat processing, fresh milk retains all the natural elements. For example, valuable lactic acid bacteria improves the defense capabilities of the immunological system and revives the bacterial flora of intestines. These both play an important role in deactivating carcinogens, as well as in preventing allergies.
Unprocessed milk retains the full fat content in the milk, which is important because this fat contains vitamins A and D. These vitamins are necessary for the human body to assimilate calcium and proteins. Moreover the butterfat in milk is rich in fatty acids. These vital substances safeguard against illnesses and stimulate the immunological system.
In Poland, the superiority of fresh milk over UHT (ultra high temperature pasteurized) is unquestioned. Consumers in Poland, and in the world, more and more often consciously choose fresh milk and fresh products. But, the producers of sterilized UHT milk want to dominate the market.
Milk Vending Machines are Changing the Milk Marketplace
These new milk vending machines, are the perfect devices for safe delivery and sale of fresh milk. They create an immediate route from the producer to the consumer. Milk vending machines eliminate the middle man.
Breeders of cows invented such a system of marketing of their fresh milk. Milk vending machines make fresh milk more affordable by bringing it to the city. In the past, consumers had to count the cost of the trip to the country in the purchase price of their milk.
These machines in the past few years since they were introduced are enjoying huge success in all EU countries. They are becoming very popular.
Milk vending machines are gaining acceptance among Czechs, Austrians and Italians.
At the moment the milk vending machines are most popular with a specific group of consumers. These early adapters to this new technology are the elderly men who grew up in the country, on milk fresh from the cow.
Advantages to Producers of Milk Vending Machines
The basic virtues of this new device are many.
Raw milk vending machines are easy to service. The farmers who employ them like the flexibility, it is possible to operate them up to 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The technology protects the consumer and provides for strict hygiene of the product. Best of all, it boasts low energy consumption.
Producers turning to such a machine are able to obtain higher prices than in conventional sales. Additionally, they can sell other products such as eggs or cheeses.
Our Polish company is involved with the manufacture of such appliances. We are gathering specialists in fields of the manufacture of machinery, electronics and visual design. Constantly, we are enlarging the range of our products as well as implementing new, innovative solutions. Attractive prices, high quality and reliability are differing us from the competition.
We are inviting farmers around the world to work with us to improve consumer access to farm fresh milk. We look forward to partnering with you, in whatever form that might take. For us, nothing is impossible!
Malgorzata Sedzimir- Pszowska is co-owner of the MILKMAT company. They produce raw milk vending machines in Poland. Visit their MilkMat website: or write the company at [email protected].
This post is part of the Fight Back Friday blog carnival. Visit Food Renegade blog for more ways we can improve our food system and help rural small farm enterprises.

hi am interested in getting the milk vending machine am based in Kenya kindly advice further on pricings and specs of the machine
Am interested in having a dairy farm of about 2000 liters per day plant as well as buying your vending machine. I know that your specialty is on vending machine. But, I will appreciate it if, you could help me out in terms of setting up. Sir, while I will await your response, please, send me price of your milkmat mini vending machine, CIF Lagos port.
i am interested to start a dairy vending machines counter in india and i want to know more about your machinery and its cost and its functions
I am interested with your milk vending machine.Give the specs on volume and the prices.Am in kenya CIF Mombasa
Please give me a quote for CIF Mombasa Kenya. I am looking for a machine with a dispensing capacity of 1000 litres a day and with the flexibility of dispensing in any fraction of a litre or monetary. How long can the machine hold the milk before going bad. What about after sales service since we are in different continents
I am from Kenya Nairobi and interested in purchasing a milk vending machine. Please send me all the necessary information like specs on volume and your quotation. Let me also know if you have local suppliers in Kenya.