Plus Others Who Propose Raw Milk is Designed for Humans A California M.D. specializing in children’s health, speaks out boldly, in favor of raw milk and its benefits for her young patients. This video was taken last fall, during the theatrical screening of the food documentary, Farmageddon in San Francisco. It is a significant conversation, [...]
Pediatrician Validates Raw Milk as Powerful Nutritional Therapy
Filed Under: Raw Milk | March 16, 2012
British Royal Writes Letter of Support to Farmer Michael Schmidt
Filed Under: Food Politics | October 12, 2011
Start a Dairy Delivery Service and Nourish Your Community
Filed Under: Local Food | July 14, 2011
Late 1800′s New Jersey Hospital Provided Certified Raw Milk
Filed Under: Raw Milk | May 10, 2011
Woman Achieves Increased Bone Density with Raw Dairy
Filed Under: Raw Milk | March 17, 2011
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