Crustless Artichoke and Bacon Quiche


For the gluten free and low carb diet enthusiasts, here is a quiche you can easily live with! Packed with healthy carbs, this quick and easy recipe will have your guests swooning!

Public Interest Groups Get it Wrong on Egg Recall

The recent egg recall is a sad commentary on not only our factory farming system, but on the government regulators that prefer mass production farming of cheap food. Consumer groups ought to promote buying local, rather than giving these agencies more power.

Why We Eat Humane


Here is a link to my guest blog on Kelly the Kitchen Kop, about how my husband and I came to make humanely raised meat and dairy products a priority.

Backyard Poultry Farming Explained by Soil Scientist


Joseph Heckman hosts a tour of his backyard poultry farm, which supplies food for his family using sustainable farming practices, kind to the earth and chickens.

Homemade Mayonnaise


Kimberly Hartke whips up a little homemade mayo for her cookout recipe series which starts today and runs through Friday.

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Click on this Pledgie button to learn more! Read the Hartke is Online Story:

Cruel Winter for Chisholm Family Farm