Raw milk activist Kimberly Hartke offers a raw milk t shirt for sale, and asks for slogan ideas for the raw milk movement.
Nourishing Foods Blog Carnival
On my library shelf, is a wonderful little book by Dr. Henry Bieler, M.D., Food is Your Best Medicine. Written in 1965, before Big Pharma had such a stranglehold on the business of healing, this doctor details case after case of how nurturing food played a role in healing his patients.When my brother was very young, he was diagnosed by our pediatrician, Dr. Knop, as celiac. She was an old school German doctor, and worked in the prestigious Yater Clinic in downtown Washington, D.C. She looked like a fierce school marm, with her dark hair pulled back in a tight bun. In her clipped German accent, she prescribed a strict diet for my brother of nothing but cottage cheese…
Target: Dairy Deception by Design?
Target happens to be one of my favorite retailers, known for bringing good design to the masses. Because of my regard for this company, I would like to be the first to publish tjis op-ed by Mark Kastel. Consumers need to hold our corporate citizens accountable for high standards and truth in merchandising…
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