Here is the powerful testimony of a medical doctor, whose clinical success with helping patients lose weight, gives him a unique vantage point from which to critique the USDA dietary guidelines.
blog about homemaking, food and health
Here is the powerful testimony of a medical doctor, whose clinical success with helping patients lose weight, gives him a unique vantage point from which to critique the USDA dietary guidelines.
This video exposes the dirty secrets behind the cholesterol lowering pressures put on American citizens by the health establishment.
You can go grain free! Guest blogger, Kate, shares her personal food journey, and how she ultimately triumphed over her blood sugar highs and lows.
What if infertility could be resolved without expensive and morally questionable procedures? What if a simple change in diet could make it possible to start a family?
Low carb diets still have no respect in policy making circles, as seen in a recent report by a government panel advising the USDA on dietary guidelines. Jeff Volek, nutrition scientists takes the panel to task.
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