photo credit: David Dees Dangers of the Flu and Swine Flu Vaccinations David Michael (Augie), Publisher of the Journal of Whole Food and Nutritional Health, will be the guest on Underground Wellness radio show on Wednesday 9/9/9 at 9 central, 8 eastern time. The entire show is on the truth about the dangers of [...]
Underground Wellness Radio Does Swine Flu and Vaccines Show
Kevin Trudeau on Swine Flu & Mass Vaccinations

The mainstream media has not discussed one of the most significant events in the last 100 years. Over the last month, the World Health Organization has raised the alert level for the swine flu to level six. This is the highest level the World Health Organization can issue, declaring a worldwide pandemic for the swine flu. This has gotten virtually no national media attention.
When a level six pandemic is declared by the World Health Organization, individual countries have the legal right to require its citizens to get vaccinations or to take drugs if the government deems necessary…
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